Gaze followingDirecting one’s own attention to the direction of another’s gaze (overtly, through eye movements or head turns, or covertly through a shift of spatial attention).
Intentional stancePredicting or explaining others’ behaviour with reference to their mental states such as beliefs, desires and intentions.
Joint attentionThe triadic coordination between at least two individuals and their focus of attention, wherein the individuals attend to each other and also to the content of their attentional focus, thus sharing attention. It is an essential component of the ability to infer mental states of others, and helps establishing a common social context.
Joint actionSocial interaction whereby two or more individuals coordinate their actions in space and time to bring about a change in the environment (Sebanz, Bekkering and Knoblich, 2006).
MentalisingExplaining a particular behaviour with reference to a specific mental state.
Spatial perspective takingAdopting the spatial perspective of another person observed in the scene.
Turing testTest to evaluate the ability of an intelligent system to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.